1. Topic 2: The concept of education

1. Comparison Between Education and Schooling



1] Education is a long life process

1] Schooling has defined cycle I.e. Pre-primary, primary, secondary,  university

2] Education is progressive based on experience.

2] In schooling promotion from one level to the is based on testing, measuring, classifying and evaluation, i.e exams

3] Education encompasses formal, informal and non-formal.

3] Schooling mainly caters for formal education

4] Education takes place everywhere, e.g. in church, home, along the road, etc

4] Schooling involves attendance in an institution.  Schooling is structured.

5] Education is available to all.

5] Schooling is available to those able to access education institutions.

6] Education is seen as less prestigious as in case of practical studies and manual worker.

6] Schooling is seen to be more prestigious as in the ‘instrumental value of education’